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Role-based Access Control


Role-based Access Control is a multi-level access right control system in WOZTELL, which provides enterprises with a fine-tuned permission system. If you plan to assign a number of team members to work on WOZTELL, the access control system is useful for designing a more organised workflow for your team.

WOZTELL users are divided into five pre-defined roles with different levels of access rights respectively.

The five pre-defined roles are:

  • App Owner
  • Admin
  • Channel Manager
  • Builder
  • Support
  • Auditor
  • Inbox Agent

The role-based access control is available on

Roles & Access Rights


App OwnerAdminChannel ManagerBuilderSupportAuditorInbox Agent
GeneralRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
AccountRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & Edit
Access TokenRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditUnauthorizedUnauthorizedUnauthorized
Audit TrailRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
Team MembersAssign & Edit Any RolesAssign & Edit Any Roles except Demote Admin and App OwnerRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
BillingRead & EditRead & EditUnauthorizedUnauthorizedUnauthorizedUnauthorized (Subscriptions); Read Only (Invoice & Transaction)Unauthorized

Channel Settings

App OwnerAdminChannel ManagerBuilderSupportAuditorInbox Agent
Channel InfoRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
PlatformRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead Only (Sensitive Info is Hidden)Read Only (Sensitive Info is Hidden)Read OnlyUnauthorized
TreesRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
Live Chat SettingsRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
WhatsApp TemplateRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditUnauthorizedRead OnlyUnauthorized
Priority Group SettingsRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized

Chatbot Builder

App OwnerAdminChannel ManagerBuilderSupportAuditorInbox Agent
Chatbot BuilderRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
Attachment ID UploaderRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditUnauthorizedRead OnlyUnauthorized
Attachment ID HistoryRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
Media LibraryRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditUnauthorizedRead OnlyUnauthorized

Other Settings

App OwnerAdminChannel ManagerBuilderSupportAuditorInbox Agent
DashboardRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
BroadcastRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead OnlyUnauthorized
MembersRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
Data SourceRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized
IntegrationsRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditRead & EditUnauthorizedRead OnlyUnauthorized
LogRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyRead OnlyUnauthorized

Team Members

A WOZTELL app can only have one App Owner, while other roles can be assigned to more than one team members.

App Owner & Admin

App Owner and Admin can invite new team members, and multiple members can be invited at a time. Before sending the invitation, you need to assign a Role and Expiration (Optional) to each team member.

App Owner:

  • Able to assign and edit any roles.
  • Able to transfer the App Owner role to an existing team member.
  • Full access right of Admin.


  • Can be assigned or promoted by App Owner or Admin.
  • Able to assign and edit Channel Manager, Builder and Support.
  • Unable to demote App Owner and Admin.
  • Full access right of Channel Manager.

Other Roles

Channel Manager, Builder, Support and Auditor are unable to invite, remove and edit a team member's role. These three roles can only be assigned by Admin or App Owner.

Channel Manager:

  • Able to read and edit all the Channel Settings.
  • Full access right of Builder.


  • Able to read and edit the settings related to Chatbot Building.
  • Full access right of Support.


  • Able to read most of the settings, with limited right to edit.
  • The lowest level of access right.


  • Able to read almost everything of the platform, but unable to edit anything.
  • The viewing rights is similar to Admin.

Inbox Agent

  • Only able to have access to the Inbox integration.
  • Require activation by Inbox Admin before be able to enter the inbox.

Invite Team Member

  1. Go to "Settings", select "Team Members".
Team Members Subpage
Team Members Subpage
  1. In "Invitation", input the email. Then, select "Role" and "Access expiration date" (Optional). Select "Invite" and an email invitation will be sent.
Invite Team Member
Invite Team Member
  1. In the Team Member List, the newly invited member will be added. The "Pending" status will change to "Joined" until the new team member has accepted the email invitation.
Team Member Pending
Team Member Pending

Edit Team Member Role

  1. In "Team Members List", open the dropdown menu to edit the roles of Channel Manager, Builder or Support. Select a role and click the "Save" symbol.
Change Team Member Role
Change Team Member Role
  1. If an Admin/App Owner wants to promote a team member to be Admin, click "more" on the right, and select "Promote to Admin".
Promote to Admin
Promote to Admin

Please re-login WOZTELL after the change of your role to make sure your access right is updated.

Remove Team Member

  1. To remove a team member, click "more" on the right, and select "Remove".
Remove Team Member
Remove Team Member
  1. If you do not have right to remove a team member, the remove button will be disabled in your account.
Unable to Remove Team Member
Unable to Remove Team Member

Accept Team Member Invitation

  1. Once the App Owner/Admin has assigned a new team member, an invitation email will be sent. You can select "Accept Invitation to proceed.
  1. Confirm if you are entering with the correct email. If the email incorrect, you can proceed by selecting "Join Now", otherwise, please select "Use Another Account".
  1. If your email has already been registered with WOZTELL, you can log in directly. Otherwise, you will need to sign up for a new account.
  1. Please complete the registration by providing the Name, Email and Password".

If you are creating a new account just for joining an app as team member, you won't be asked to create your own app during registration.

  1. Confirm again that you are joining with the correct email.
  1. As a newly registered account, an verification email will be sent to you for verification.
  1. Now, you have successfully joined the app as a team member.

Unauthorised Message

In WOZTELL, there are three kinds of unauthorised messages that you might see:

  • If a team member is not authorised to read the page, the message of "You are not authorised to read this page." will appear. If the unauthorised user somehow gets to the page, the button the side bar will not be shown as well.
Not Authorized to Read
Not Authorized to Read
  • If a team member is not authorised to read part of the page, only that part will show the message: "You are not authorised to read this content."
Not Authorized to Read Content
Not Authorized to Read Content
  • If a team member can read the page, but not authorsied to edit, all the field/button will be disabled, and message "You are not authorised to edit." will be shown on top of the page.
Not Authorized to Edit
Not Authorized to Edit

Request for Promotion

If you want to be promoted in order to obtain a higher level of access rights, please refer to the Team Members List in Settings and contact the Admin or App Owner to request for promotion. All roles in WOZTELL are able to view the Team Members List.

Team Member List
Team Member List